Custom Automation

With Enriching Students®, your school can set up an automated scheduling process for your FLEX time extra help and enrichment offerings, customized to your school.

Why Custom?

Why didn’t we just create one set of rules to schedule your students? Well, because we know that every school is different. When it comes to your school logistics and the interactions you have with students, you are the expert. Because your school is unique, the process to support those needs has to be unique as well.

How Does it Work?

Your school sets the standards of how you want the automation to run. Who gets scheduled, why, and when. You do not need to set up lists of priorities and student assignments every day – that is handled on the back end. Once you tell us how you want it to run, it’s hands-off.

What Can We Automate?

Really, it’s up to you! But, we do need a set of standards in order for the automation to run. Here are 3 things we’ll need to know.

Interested in seeing how our custom scheduling automation could work for your school?

Some Automation Examples

How complex can you get? Really, as long as you provide the information needed based on the 3 areas above, you can create a process that is as complicated as you need in order to meet your student’s needs. The following examples are just simple ideas. The custom automation you can create is not limited to these, and it could be any combination.