Enriching Students gives options for data import. You can:
- Import Data via Clever, excluding grade and attendance files
- Import Data manually into Enriching Students from your SIS via CSV files
Learn more about Clever, and our CSV import and export process below!

Manage and Protect Data with Clever Integration
Clever is a secure data sharing service. Today’s schools share their data with more and more institutions and vendors, and rather than setting up a customized means of sharing for each relationship, a school can push data to Clever, and it will act as a secure, central repository. If your school currently uses Clever, you can request access to Enriching Students through the Clever portal. Once connected Enriching Students can easily update staff, students, and rosters. The process runs automatically every night or it can be manually updated through the site admin section in Enriching Students.
- Sync information from your SMS to Enriching Students in a nightly automated process
- Add staff and students to Clever, they will be synced to Enriching Students
- Auto schedule rosters to their respective advisory

Manage and Protect Data with Clever Integration
Clever is a secure data sharing service. Today’s schools share their data with more and more institutions and vendors, and rather than setting up a customized means of sharing for each relationship, a school can push data to Clever, and it will act as a secure, central repository. If your school currently uses Clever, you can request access to Enriching Students through the Clever portal. Once connected Enriching Students can easily update staff, students, and rosters. The process runs automatically every night or it can be manually updated through the site admin section in Enriching Students.
- Sync information from your SMS to Enriching Students in a nightly automated process
- Add staff and students to Clever, they will be synced to Enriching Students
- Auto schedule rosters to their respective advisory
Automated Data Importing
By setting up CSV files, Enriching Students enables you to create process that will automatically import and export attendance data for students.
- Follow our documentation to make the correct file name and headers
- Upload the files to our server

Automated Importing & Exporting of Attendance Data
By setting up CSV files, Enriching Students enables you to create process that will automatically import and export attendance data for students.
- Follow our documentation to make the correct file name and headers
- Upload the files to our server

Single Sign-On with Google and Clever
We integrate with Google and Clever SSO to give you an easier user experience. Log in to your Enriching Students account with your Google login securely, or if your school has a Clever account, you can their single sign on. Clever SSO is a feature that allows Clever to authenticate users for Enriching Students.
- For Google login, when logging in to Enriching Students, click ‘Sign in with Google’, if your Enriching Students account email matches your Google email
- For Clever login, the person responsible for Clever at your school can activate a feature that will allow you to click on a link in Clever, and be automatically logged in to Enriching Students
- With both SSO features, your Google or Clever email must match your email address associated with your Enriching Students account
- These features work for any staff member, or can be enables for students as well if your school has student accounts

Single Sign-On with Google and Clever
We integrate with Google and Clever SSO to give you an easier user experience. Log in to your Enriching Students account with your Google login securely, or if your school has a Clever account, you can their single sign on. Clever SSO is a feature that allows Clever to authenticate users for Enriching Students.
- For Google login, when logging in to Enriching Students, click ‘Sign in with Google’, if your Enriching Students account email matches your Google email
- For Clever login, the person responsible for Clever at your school can activate a feature that will allow you to click on a link in Clever, and be automatically logged in to Enriching Students
- With both SSO features, your Google or Clever email must match your email address associated with your Enriching Students account
- These features work for any staff member, or can be enables for students as well if your school has student accounts