Reimagining Time®
A Podcast for Educators
Reimagining Time ® is a podcast by Enriching Students®. In each episode, we’ll dive into the creative ways educators are using time to transform their schools and classrooms, and better support students. Look for a new episode every two weeks!
Season 4
S4 Ep. 5: Creating Connection at a Large Campus
S4 Ep. 4: WINning at the Middle School Level
Middle school students needs more than a quiet, compliant study hall to thrive. In this episode, Dr. Zachary Cohen talks about the WIN (What I Need) Time program at his Middle School, and how it balances time for academic support with student choice, and helps students develop important executive functioning skills.
- Read Zak’s article on Edutopia.
- Study | Parent involvement and student academic performance: A multiple mediational analysis
S4 Ep. 3: How to Jumpstart a Flex Mod Schedule
Have you ever wanted to dive into the world of flex mod scheduling at your school, but just couldn’t quite work out the logistics? In this podcast episode educators Dr. Scott Hand and Dr. Alexis Swineheart talk about the steps they’ve taken at their school to run a flex mod pilot, making shifts that have made it much more manageable. Learn what they’re doing, how it’s been going, and even some valuable tips for school leaders along the way.
Read More: Flex Mod at Radnor Township School District
S4 Ep. 2: Is MTSS What You Think It Is?
In this episode, we learn from K.C. Knudson, an experienced educator and senior consultant with Novak Education. MTSS is a popular topic, and an effective tool for meeting student needs. But what is it, really? And how much hold does it have as a ‘tiered model.’ Explore deeper ideas about MTSS and how it can be viewed as a broader framework for learning in this podcast episode.
Check out: The Opportunity Myth
S4 Ep. 1: Why Reimagining Time Matters
Why does the use of time matter in schools? In this episode with talk with Michael Horn about why and how schools can change how they view and utilize time, to encourage mastery of learning over seat time.
What is Rigor?:
Season 3
S3 Ep. 6: Building a School of the Future
In this episode we talk with Luke Clamp about a vision for a school that would prepare students with future-ready skills, and how it became a reality. He shares what sparked the idea, how it affected the school’s physical construction, and made he and other education leaders reimagine time and create a successful flex mod schedule.
Luke’s article for NASSP:
Reach out to Dr. Luke Clamp via his email, [email protected]
S3, Ep. 5: Making Time a Variable to Meet Student Needs
In this episode, we talk with Brian Stack as he shares challenges schools are currently facing, and how competency-based education, and learning to function as a PLC, can help. With Brian’s years of experience, and current work with schools, he has practical advice and tips to share for teachers and administrators.
S3, Ep. 4: The Opportunity Gap: Who are the Gifted Students? Pt. II
In Part 2 of ‘The Opportunity Gap: Who are the Gifted Students?’ Brian Butler explains the 5 shifts to making gifted education “the floor of every classroom”. What does that really mean? How can any school make these shifts? Listen to find out!
S3, Ep. 3: Reimagining School
In this episode, Instructional Leader Jennifer Maichin talks about a new program at her District called Synergy. This self-directed program helps students become independent learners and master competencies that will help them build skills they need beyond high school. Learn about how they completely reimagined time to realize their vision of the future of school.
S3, Ep. 2: The Opportunity Gap: Who are the Gifted Students? Pt. I
In this episode, the first of a two part feature, we talk with education consultant and author Brian Butler about the idea of giftedness in education. Traditionally gifted students are viewed as more intelligent, and set apart from the rest. But is it more about abilities and intelligence, or the opportunities students are given, that determines this distinction? How can educators shift their mindset to view all students as gifted? Listen as Brian provides valuable insights into these and other questions.
Season 3, Ep. 1: Maximizing Learning with a Flex Mod Schedule
Season 2
Episode 6: Let's remove the labels
In episode 6 we speak with Kenneth Williams. Ken nationally recognized trainer, speaker, coach and consultant in leadership and school culture. Ken discusses his thoughts on why we should stop ability grouping students. How schools can create equitable learning for every student.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License:
Track and Artist page:
Episode 5: How to Create a Flex Period
In our last episode, Why Create a Flex Period?, Assistant Principal John Weaver talked about the benefits of a flex period, that he’s experienced at his school. But how do you create, and successfully manage a flex period? Learn all about it in this episode as John gets into the details of implementation, protocol, and how much administration should really be involved.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License:
Track and Artist page:
Episode 4: Why Create a Flex Period?
Link for Bloom’s Taxonomy video
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons.
Track and Artist page:
Episode 3: Putting Students First
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License:
Track and Artist page:
Episode 2: Thinking Differently About Time in Education
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License:
Track and Artist page:
Episode 1: The Power of Effective PLCs
Often, PLC meetings are seen as a time waster. But is a PLC just a meeting? In this episode we talk with Chad Dumas about what a PLC actually is, how it can be effective, and what it does for students.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
Season 2 Trailer
Season 1
Episode 7: Time Impacts Students - Decide What's More Important
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons.
Track and Artist page:
Episode 6: Give Students Voice
Do students feel heard at your school? Are their opinions valued? What happens when they feel like they don’t have a say in decisions that are going to impact them? Usually, if they feel like they’re not being given a voice, they’ll find one. In this episode, learn how one Principal learned the importance of student voice, how he turned around a tricky situation, and ultimately turned those who were opposing changes, into advocates.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
Episode 5: Defining Your Why
When it comes to making any changes in a school, the most important question to ask is ‘Why?’. That’s what one Principal did when his school went through a long, dramatic change process. What can other educators learn from defining their ‘why’, and keeping their students front and center? Listen to find out!
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
Episode 4: Competency Ed Pt. 2 - Responding to Student Needs
In part 2 of our competency-based education special, Brian Stack and Jonathan Vander Els discuss how they respond to student needs, whether that be when a student is struggling to learn something, or when they already get it.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
Episode 3: Competency Ed Pt. 1 - Rethinking Grading Practices
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
Episode 2: Time for Change - Building Buy-In
In this episode, learn how one school successfully implemented a flex period by getting staff buy-in and involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process. They will also discuss how their flex period has really benefited students.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
Episode 1: Genius Hour, Reinvented
Two educators from a STEM academy talk about how their school took the idea of Genius Hour and gave students an entire day during the school week for independent, flexible learning. Listen to find out how they did it, and the incredible opportunities for students that have resulted.
Intro track is entitled ‘Roughcut’ by the artist Tripwire, licensed under Creative Commons. License: Track and Artist page:
To give students the time they need, you also need a schedule that works.
Here are some resources we can share.
Are you considering adding a flex block/activity period to your school schedule? If so, how can you make it work? The idea of adding an extra block to an already busy schedule might seem like it’s going to be a lot of extra work for staff. But it really doesn’t have to be.
Schools are searching for ways to effectively meet the needs of their students and faculty. But how can schools accomplish this when there is limited time during the school day? A proven and trusted way is implementing flex time in schools, right into the daily schedule.
A flex block is a flexible time period set aside in the school day that gives students time for extra help or enrichment opportunities. In addition, it allows them to pursue topics and activities that interest them. Why should your school consider adding a flex block?