high school

WIN Block in Schools

Enriching Students Staff2022-11-16T14:16:17-05:00

WIN (What I Need) time is an effective tool for middle and high schools. But what is it, why does it matter, and how can WIN work in block schedules? Let's dig in, and talk a little bit first about block scheduling. Decades ago, before the internet and smartphones, [...]

WIN Block in SchoolsEnriching Students Staff2022-11-16T14:16:17-05:00

Focus Strategies for High School Students

Enriching Students Staff2022-11-07T15:33:27-05:00

High school can be a very stressful time for students. You are often juggling a lot of different responsibilities between school, work, and family life. For any student, a lack of ability to focus in the learning environment can have a major impact on your performance. If you're struggling [...]

Focus Strategies for High School StudentsEnriching Students Staff2022-11-07T15:33:27-05:00

The Benefits of In-School Interventions

Enriching Students Staff2022-08-13T18:34:38-04:00

Schools have started adding intervention programs, during the school day, to address social and academic needs. Are these interventions beneficial to students? What is the best way to install these interventions? School interventions take on many forms. They can be behavioral, social/emotional, and academic. The benefits of these programs [...]

The Benefits of In-School InterventionsEnriching Students Staff2022-08-13T18:34:38-04:00

What is the Purpose of Advisory in Schools?

Enriching Students Staff2023-07-10T15:57:44-04:00

If you work in public education, or have a child attending a public school, you likely have experience with advisory. Unfortunately, like many buzzwords in public education, the advisory period sometimes gets turned into study hall, tutoring, or a free-for-all. While these are all valid options for students, they [...]

What is the Purpose of Advisory in Schools?Enriching Students Staff2023-07-10T15:57:44-04:00

What are the Benefits of Flex Periods in High School?

Enriching Students Staff2022-10-10T15:55:33-04:00

Student success is dependent on many variables, such as motivation, engagement, and support systems. In high school, educators have noted that organization and structure support student success compared to unorganized and unprepared students. As schools evolve with the times, changes have been implemented in scheduling, course offerings, and educational [...]

What are the Benefits of Flex Periods in High School?Enriching Students Staff2022-10-10T15:55:33-04:00

High School Advisory Program Models

Enriching Students Staff2022-05-17T10:15:21-04:00

Many high schools have an advisory period, but are there high school advisory program models that can help your school make advisory more effective? Below we'll examine what advisory is, what it can be used for, how you can structure it within your high school schedule, and what will [...]

High School Advisory Program ModelsEnriching Students Staff2022-05-17T10:15:21-04:00

Genius Hour Ideas for High School

Enriching Students Staff2023-07-10T16:14:41-04:00

The concept of a Genius Hour is often implemented seamlessly at the elementary school level, but is more challenging to figure out at the secondary level. High school teachers can successfully implement a Genius Hour if they have the right support, tools, and some effective ideas. Here are some [...]

Genius Hour Ideas for High SchoolEnriching Students Staff2023-07-10T16:14:41-04:00

Flexible High School Schedule Examples

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

Walk into a typical high school, and you see students hustling from class to class. With a traditional high school schedule, students may have seven classes at a time. That's sort of like having seven different bosses. High school is hard enough without the constant ringing of bells, causing [...]

Flexible High School Schedule ExamplesEnriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

W.I.N. Time Activities

Enriching Students Staff2022-10-19T09:16:17-04:00

W.I.N. time activities, especially for middle and high school students, can be incredibly beneficial. Why? These days, students’ lives are just as, if not more fast-paced than working adults’ routines! Within a 7-hour time range, a student may travel from as few as four to as many as eight academic [...]

W.I.N. Time ActivitiesEnriching Students Staff2022-10-19T09:16:17-04:00

All About Flex Time in Schools

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-17T17:02:58-04:00

Flex time is a flexible period of time in a school schedule where students can get what they need, when they need it. It empowers teachers to give students what they really need -- time, during the school day. Flex time usually lasts for 30-45 minutes. However, it can [...]

All About Flex Time in SchoolsEnriching Students Staff2024-04-17T17:02:58-04:00
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