
What is AIS in Schools?

Enriching Students Staff2022-04-22T12:48:48-04:00

All schools have a curriculum that should be accessible to all students. But, it’s an unavoidable fact that not all students will be able to access the material in the same way. In some cases, they might have great difficulties in accessing the material at all. While many factors [...]

What is AIS in Schools?Enriching Students Staff2022-04-22T12:48:48-04:00

W.I.N. Time in Middle School

Enriching Students Staff2021-12-15T14:07:05-05:00

Let’s face it, there is perhaps no more traumatic time in a person’s life than the precarious middle school years. With all of the physical and mental changes that are happening, students often have trouble finding their place in the world. Simple things like classroom assignments can be overwhelming, and [...]

W.I.N. Time in Middle SchoolEnriching Students Staff2021-12-15T14:07:05-05:00

Names for Intervention Time

Enriching Students Staff2022-06-08T00:02:54-04:00

What is Intervention Time? The first thing you need to know: “What IS intervention time?”.  Intervention time refers to a time period within the school day that gives students the supports they need, when they need them. Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), or Response to Intervention (RtI), [...]

Names for Intervention TimeEnriching Students Staff2022-06-08T00:02:54-04:00
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