Features for Admin
Controlling Enriching Students® application settings and managing user accounts is easy as a site admin. A site admin account in Enriching Students® allows a user to set controls such as enabling or disabling student self-scheduling and setting the graduation year. Admins can also manage staff and student accounts, access all reports and data analysis, and import data. Learn more about Enriching Students® admin account features below!
Features for Admin
A site admin account in Enriching Students® allows a user to set controls such as enabling or disabling student self-scheduling and setting the graduation year. Site admins can also manage users, reports, export data, and more!
Manage Staff & Students
Manage teachers, students, substitutes, departments and more!
- Add or edit staff/students
- Add and edit substitute accounts
- Import grades
- Export appointment data
- Add departments
- Reassign staffers to different departments
Analysis Reports
Set controls that allow for some reports to only be run by users set as admins.
- Manage reports available to staff, and run admin-specific reports.
- Manage which reports are available to all students
- Set some reports as admin-only
- View what email are sent in a specific date range
Configuration Options
Manage basic settings for your school’s Enriching Students® account, like:
- School-wide messaging
- Edit attendance/appointment type names
- User permissions
- School settings like graduation years and school branding
- Import settings
Overall Management of User Accounts
As an admin, you can manage many tasks for other users. This is helpful when you need to fill in for a teacher, or take care of a mass-scheduling or reporting process. You can take attendance for any teacher, schedule a student for any teacher, delete appointments, manage adjusted offerings, and more.
- Block dates from the school calendar
- Schedule all students in a single grade
Manage Staff & Students
Manage teachers, students, substitutes, departments and more!
- Add or edit staff/students
- Add and edit substitute accounts
- Import grades
- Export appointment data
- Manage school flex periods
Analysis Reports
Set controls that allow for some reports to only be run by users set as admins.
- Manage reports available to staff, and run admin-specific reports.
- Manage which reports are available to all students
- Set some reports as admin-only
- View what email are sent in a specific date range
Configuration Options
Manage basic settings for your school’s Enriching Students® account, like:
- School-wide messaging
- Edit attendance/appointment type names
- Block dates from the school calendar
- Schedule all students in a single grade
As an admin, you can manage many tasks for other users. This is helpful when you need to fill in for a teacher, or take care of a mass-scheduling or reporting process. You can take attendance for any teacher, schedule a student for any teacher, delete appointments, manage adjusted offerings, and more.
- Block dates from the school calendar
- Schedule all students in a single grade