7 Period Schedule

High School Schedules that Work

Enriching Students Staff2022-11-07T11:51:46-05:00

While few would argue that building a master schedule for high school is stressful and demanding, this article will examine the types of schedules that have been found beneficial to high school students. What are some types of high school schedules that work? Having student input is a way [...]

High School Schedules that WorkEnriching Students Staff2022-11-07T11:51:46-05:00

Middle School Schedule Examples

Enriching Students Staff2022-06-05T18:11:43-04:00

Many educators have grown accustomed to a traditional period schedule for middle school. However, there are several different types of schedules that schools currently use. The schedule your middle school uses may be slightly or even starkly different from the schedule of a nearby district, or perhaps even another middle [...]

Middle School Schedule ExamplesEnriching Students Staff2022-06-05T18:11:43-04:00

Flexible High School Schedule Examples

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

Walk into a typical high school, and you see students hustling from class to class. With a traditional high school schedule, students may have seven classes at a time. That's sort of like having seven different bosses. High school is hard enough without the constant ringing of bells, causing [...]

Flexible High School Schedule ExamplesEnriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00
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