Your school may enable its students to request an appointment to see a teacher. You can view student requests on the Requests page, which you can get to by selecting Requests in the navigation logged into your Enriching Students account. In addition, if you have any new student requests, a notification will appear at the top of your screen when you first log in to your account. On the student requests page, by default you will be viewing ‘Unscheduled Requests. You can see which students have made requests to see you, for what time period, and why. You will be able to see if they are scheduled to any other staff member for that time period in the ‘Scheduled’ column. You have four options to manage their request:
1. Automatic schedule. The first button will schedule the student to the requested time slot, if possible. If that day isn’t available, it will schedule them to the next available time within a nine day period.
2. Manual schedule. This will redirect you to the Schedule page, where you can choose any day you’d like to schedule them.
3. Mark as completed. This button will mark the student as having been scheduled. If you have used the manual request feature, this will be helpful.
4. Mark as cancelled. This will cancel, or delete the request.
You may also select the ‘Show all Requests’ button to view all requests students have ever made to see you, including scheduled and unscheduled requests.