Most schools have a process or structure to evaluate, address, and monitor the needs of students. Sometimes, these processes are referred to as RTI (Response to Intervention). Other times, you may hear the term MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support). While these two approaches are similar, distinct differences set these two common structures apart. How are RTI and MTSS alike? In which ways do they differ? This blog post will explore the similarities and differences between RTI and MTSS.

Defining RTI

Response to Intervention, or RTI, is a data-driven approach schools use to support students academically. This approach is characterized by analyzing assessment data, planning high-quality instruction, implementing interventions, and evaluating each student’s response to interventions. Most schools with an RTI process will use universal screening assessments, a sequential tiered intervention structure, and progress monitoring assessments to ensure each student experiences academic success.

Within an RTI model, all students receive Tier 1 or general education instruction. Teachers analyze universal screening assessment data to determine which students are making adequate progress towards grade level benchmarks in Tier 1 and which students need intervention. Ideally, around 80% of students should make adequate progress through Tier 1 instruction. About 15% of students will likely need Tier 2 intervention support, and another 5% may require intensive Tier 3 intervention support. Students requiring Tier 2 or 3 interventions may work in small groups with a teacher or 1:1 with specialists to address a specific area of need. Students take targeted progress monitoring assessments to measure their response to the intervention teachers have provided.

Defining MTSS

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support, or MTSS, is a comprehensive data-driven framework designed to support student success in a variety of ways (look at more aspects of MTSS in this blog post). This approach addresses academic, behavioral, and social-emotional needs. A high-functioning MTSS model emphasizes equity, early intervention, and providing holistic support for students.MTSS includes the academic supports of RTI (Response to Intervention), with PBIS (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) behavioral interventions, social emotional supports, and more.

In a school practicing MTSS, you will likely find tiered academic, behavioral, and social-emotional support for students. Tiers of support can range from school-wide systems to 1:1 interventions for students. Support can also include things like staff development, community resources, etc. Tier 1 support is accessible to all students. If Tier 1 isn’t meeting a student needs, the student would receive more specific Tier 2 support. Some states may set a student percentage target for Tier 2, for example that 12% of the student population may need Tier 2. If this number is much higher than the target, it may indicate that adjustments need to be made to tier 1.

If Tier 1 and 2 are effective, only a small number of students should need intensive Tier 3 academic or behavioral support. Universal screening assessments, progress monitoring assessments, and other methods of data collection help evaluate student progress, inform system-level change, and refine levels of support. The goal of an MTSS approach is that each student receives the specific support they need to experience success at school.

A Tool for Scheduling & Tracking Intervention Time

Enriching Students® is a software tool designed to help schools schedule students, track attendance, and run reports for flex and intervention periods. Ensure students are getting the intervention and enrichment they need to be successful.

How are RTI and MTSS alike?

RTI and MTSS are often used synonymously because there are a few key similarities. Let’s take a look at what RTI and MTSS have in common:

Early Intervention: Both RTI and MTSS prioritize early intervention. By identifying and addressing student needs early, teachers can intervene to ensure students succeed in the long run.

Emphasis on Data: In school settings using RTI or MTSS, there will likely be universal screening assessments, diagnostic assessments, and opportunities for progress monitoring. Teachers and specialists likely engage in collaborative PLC or data teams to analyze assessment data, plan targeted instruction, and determine the appropriate support for individual students. Data collection and analysis help gauge the effectiveness of school-wide systems, inform curriculum implementation, and determine staff learning needs. Whether applying an RTI or MTSS approach, the goal is to use data to inform solutions, take targeted action, and strategically support students.

Core and Individualized Instruction: Both approaches recognize the importance of strong core instruction and school-wide systems. If the instruction and support that all students receive are strong, the percentage of students requiring academic interventions or behavior support should decrease. However, even when strong core instruction and school-wide systems are in place, some students will require additional support. RTI and MTSS recognize students need specific, individualized support to succeed. This individualized support should be responsive to student needs and regularly evaluated to ensure students are making progress.

How are RTI and MTSS different?

While RTI and MTSS are similar, they are not the same, and understanding the differences provides clarity. Let’s explore how these two approaches differ:

Focus: RTI and MTSS focus on different aspects of education. RTI is considered a more narrow approach than MTSS. An RTI approach focuses solely on academic assessments, instruction, and interventions. MTSS is a comprehensive framework that includes academic, behavioral, and social-emotional support. The belief is that student needs are complex and require a well-rounded approach to ensure success. MTSS also has a broader scope than RTI and considers systems-level change alongside individual student needs. Schools participating in an MTSS model might explore class schedules, physical spaces, budgets, staff learning, curriculum, etc. and analyze their impact on student success. MTSS is considered a more holistic approach and addresses many factors that support student success at school.

Three-Tier Model: RTI and MTSS often use a triangular structure to illustrate the tiered model. While the triangular three-tiered model is visually similar, the meaning is slightly different. In RTI, the tiers are sequential and structured. Everyone begins at Tier 1. If a student isn’t making adequate progress in Tier 1, they move to Tier 2 for intervention support and progress monitoring. If there is still little progress, the student would then receive intensive Tier 3 support. In MTSS, the tiers of support are more accessible, fluid, and not as sequential. The tiers represent support available to students who display a need, not a step in a sequential process, and not a group of students themselves. It is also important to note – these tiers do not represent students. MTSS is not about students being labeled and grouped by ability. Those tiers represent the resources available to students.

Collaborative: RTI and MTSS are collaborative. Most schools have regular PLC or data teams where educators meet to discuss student growth, analyze data, and plan instructional next steps. This teamwork allows specialists, coaches, and administrators to also participate in the process of supporting all students. While RTI and MTSS likely include PLC or data teams, collaboration within an MTSS model moves further. A school implementing MTSS might also endeavor to include all staff members, family/parent organizations, outside service providers, and community members.

RTI vs. MTSS – Which Approach Wins?

After exploring how RTI and MTSS are similar, you might wonder which approach is better. Both frameworks support student growth and can help students experience success in school. Both approaches center on data, collaboration, and continuous improvement. Despite these similarities, MTSS is more likely to meet expansive and diverse needs of today’s students.

Many educators prefer MTSS over RTI because it is a more well-rounded, comprehensive, and holistic approach to supporting students. RTI’s academic focus may not be broad enough to support all students. In some instances, behavioral and social-emotional support are a prerequisite for academic success. MTSS helps to set those structures in place so all students can learn at high levels.

Another reason MTSS is preferred over RTI is that RTI can fit within an MTSS framework. Assessing students, determining which students need academic intervention, and monitoring their progress can be part of MTSS. Schools may even experience a more effective RTI process when other comprehensive supports are in place for students. Let’s dig a little more into how MTSS can be effectively implemented.

What Are the Challenges of MTSS?

Two challenges were defined in an article by We Are Teachers. It states:

“MTSS is the current “gold standard,” but there are still challenges.

  • Personnel: MTSS takes personnel (interventionists, instructional coaches) to implement well.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Just having data doesn’t mean that it will be used in the best way to support students. Teachers have to know how to use data and be able to collect and monitor data regularly.”

When looking to adopt an MTSS approach, or improve an existing one, school leaders have likely experienced these challenges. Schools need trained staff to fill needed roles, and data needs to be measured and used effectively. How can existing school staff be supported to manage interventions? What kind of data can, and should, be collected, and how can it be used to help make decisions about student progress?

Meeting the Challenges

Tech cannot replace qualified teachers and support staff. But, it can help simplify processes, and track student progress. When processes are simplified, staff are able to fill their roles more effectively. One way to meet some of the challenges of MTSS is by collecting data that matters, and using it well, and tech tools can help with this.

Capturing Attendance, Engagement, Intervention Data

Attendance may be one of the leading factors that determine a students’ academic health. It can be an indicator for a student who is at risk in other ways as well – such as struggling with their mental health or instability at home. Behavioral data, student engagement, and their the types of interventions that have been used to help them are all important data points to consider.

There are tech tools available to help manage and schedule interventions for students, as well as screeners for SEB (Social-Emotional Behavior) that can help inform decisions about how best to support students.

The relationships teachers have with students and regular check-ins are also an invaluable way to assess how a student is doing.

Working as a Team

Like so many school-wide approaches, a school can’t successfully implement MTSS without teams who are committed to what’s best for students. For example, looking at the framework of MTSS, teams are necessary to create systems of support, analyze data, and make decisions based on the date they find. The Professional Learning Community (PLC) process can be a great way to get there.

The bottom line? MTSS is a tested, research-backed framework for creating an equitable school environment. It helps support students’ academic, social-emotional, and behavioral well-being. The tiers in MTSS do not represent groups of students, but rather the resources they need. While there are challenges for implementing MTSS, the benefits are that it can help every student to reach their maximum potential.

Additional Resources

How Can Enriching Students® Work for Your School?


7 Features to Look For in a Flex Scheduling Tool

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