Flexible Schedules

Flexible High School Schedule Examples

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

Walk into a typical high school, and you see students hustling from class to class. With a traditional high school schedule, students may have seven classes at a time. That's sort of like having seven different bosses. High school is hard enough without the constant ringing of bells, causing [...]

Flexible High School Schedule ExamplesEnriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

W.I.N. Time Activities

Enriching Students Staff2022-10-19T09:16:17-04:00

W.I.N. time activities, especially for middle and high school students, can be incredibly beneficial. Why? These days, students’ lives are just as, if not more fast-paced than working adults’ routines! Within a 7-hour time range, a student may travel from as few as four to as many as eight academic [...]

W.I.N. Time ActivitiesEnriching Students Staff2022-10-19T09:16:17-04:00

Names for Intervention Time

Enriching Students Staff2022-06-08T00:02:54-04:00

What is Intervention Time? The first thing you need to know: “What IS intervention time?”.  Intervention time refers to a time period within the school day that gives students the supports they need, when they need them. Multi Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), or Response to Intervention (RtI), [...]

Names for Intervention TimeEnriching Students Staff2022-06-08T00:02:54-04:00

All About Flex Time in Schools

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-17T17:02:58-04:00

Flex time is a flexible period of time in a school schedule where students can get what they need, when they need it. It empowers teachers to give students what they really need -- time, during the school day. Flex time usually lasts for 30-45 minutes. However, it can [...]

All About Flex Time in SchoolsEnriching Students Staff2024-04-17T17:02:58-04:00

Scheduling Students for Accelerated Instruction

Ashley Mauger2023-10-11T07:58:29-04:00

Texas House Bill 1416 (an update to HB 4545) requires that any students in grades 3-8 who did not score at least Approaches on their STARR assessment or End of Course (EOC) exam receive intervention support, referred to as accelerated instruction. However, with parent approval some schools may receive [...]

Scheduling Students for Accelerated InstructionAshley Mauger2023-10-11T07:58:29-04:00

Genius Hour, Reinvented

Ashley Mauger2022-05-02T09:58:40-04:00

Genius Hour isn't a new concept. Schools take roughly an hour and allow students to work on something they really want to work on. It may be easier to do this in elementary schools than middle or high schools, when students are taking so many classes, where do you [...]

Genius Hour, ReinventedAshley Mauger2022-05-02T09:58:40-04:00

Using An RTI Scheduler for Intervention Periods

Enriching Students Staff2024-02-29T11:56:06-05:00

Enriching Students is an RTI scheduler that enables users to schedule intervention and enrichment sessions, take attendance, and track engagement and usage for accountability. Why use an RTI scheduler? Before we dive into that, let’s briefly talk about RTI. RTI stands for Response to Intervention. This model has proven to [...]

Using An RTI Scheduler for Intervention PeriodsEnriching Students Staff2024-02-29T11:56:06-05:00
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