

Enriching Students Staff2025-01-10T21:34:56-05:00

Most schools have a process or structure to evaluate, address, and monitor the needs of students. Sometimes, these processes are referred to as RTI (Response to Intervention). Other times, you may hear the term MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support). While these two approaches are similar, distinct differences set these two [...]

RTI vs. MTSSEnriching Students Staff2025-01-10T21:34:56-05:00

What is AIS in Schools?

Enriching Students Staff2022-04-22T12:48:48-04:00

All schools have a curriculum that should be accessible to all students. But, it’s an unavoidable fact that not all students will be able to access the material in the same way. In some cases, they might have great difficulties in accessing the material at all. While many factors [...]

What is AIS in Schools?Enriching Students Staff2022-04-22T12:48:48-04:00

Using An RTI Scheduler for Intervention Periods

Enriching Students Staff2024-02-29T11:56:06-05:00

Enriching Students is an RTI scheduler that enables users to schedule intervention and enrichment sessions, take attendance, and track engagement and usage for accountability. Why use an RTI scheduler? Before we dive into that, let’s briefly talk about RTI. RTI stands for Response to Intervention. This model has proven to [...]

Using An RTI Scheduler for Intervention PeriodsEnriching Students Staff2024-02-29T11:56:06-05:00
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