School Schedules

Innovative Schools Reimagine Time

Enriching Students Staff2024-11-07T15:32:50-05:00

Innovation can be a tricky word to define, especially in education. There are so many educational philosophies and ways of doing things that change, sometimes because of current research, and sometimes because it’s trendy. What makes an 'innovative' school? But far from being just a ‘flavor of the [...]

Innovative Schools Reimagine TimeEnriching Students Staff2024-11-07T15:32:50-05:00

High School Schedules that Work

Enriching Students Staff2022-11-07T11:51:46-05:00

While few would argue that building a master schedule for high school is stressful and demanding, this article will examine the types of schedules that have been found beneficial to high school students. What are some types of high school schedules that work? Having student input is a way [...]

High School Schedules that WorkEnriching Students Staff2022-11-07T11:51:46-05:00

How to Create a Master Schedule

Enriching Students Staff2024-08-07T23:52:12-04:00

If you're a school administrator, then you know how difficult it can be to create a schedule for every student. You have to consider the needs and credentialing of your own teachers. You need to adhere to district expectations. You must also anticipate the needs of your students and [...]

How to Create a Master ScheduleEnriching Students Staff2024-08-07T23:52:12-04:00

Flexible High School Schedule Examples

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

Walk into a typical high school, and you see students hustling from class to class. With a traditional high school schedule, students may have seven classes at a time. That's sort of like having seven different bosses. High school is hard enough without the constant ringing of bells, causing [...]

Flexible High School Schedule ExamplesEnriching Students Staff2024-04-25T12:15:19-04:00

All About Flex Time in Schools

Enriching Students Staff2024-04-17T17:02:58-04:00

Flex time is a flexible period of time in a school schedule where students can get what they need, when they need it. It empowers teachers to give students what they really need -- time, during the school day. Flex time usually lasts for 30-45 minutes. However, it can [...]

All About Flex Time in SchoolsEnriching Students Staff2024-04-17T17:02:58-04:00

Scheduling Students for Accelerated Instruction

Ashley Mauger2023-10-11T07:58:29-04:00

Texas House Bill 1416 (an update to HB 4545) requires that any students in grades 3-8 who did not score at least Approaches on their STARR assessment or End of Course (EOC) exam receive intervention support, referred to as accelerated instruction. However, with parent approval some schools may receive [...]

Scheduling Students for Accelerated InstructionAshley Mauger2023-10-11T07:58:29-04:00

School Schedules During COVID-19 – A Guide to assist schools

Ashley Mauger2021-12-13T11:44:00-05:00

School schedules are what we like to talk about at Enriching Students, especially those that are flexible, adaptable to student needs, and a little on the less-traditional side. But as school schedules during Covid-19 take shape ahead of the 2020-2021 school year, things are looking a whole lot less traditional. [...]

School Schedules During COVID-19 – A Guide to assist schoolsAshley Mauger2021-12-13T11:44:00-05:00
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