Schools have started adding intervention programs, during the school day, to address social and academic needs. Are these interventions beneficial to students? What is the best way to install these interventions?
School interventions take on many forms. They can be behavioral, social/emotional, and academic. The benefits of these programs can affect students in every aspect of their lives.
Are you considering adding an intervention program to your school? Read on to find out more information to help you make the best decision about how to put this program into place.
What are some different types of school interventions?
School interventions are any extra instruction outside of the typical classroom time. These programs help struggling students catch up to their peers. Test performances and observations in the classroom influence who needs these programs. Students may also be on individualized plans for these specific interventions. Intervention can be organized as one-on-one teacher-student interaction, group instruction, peer-buddy tutoring, or a combination.
Behavioral Interventions
Some students need help meeting behavioral goals. In this type of intervention, students work with a staff member to improve behaviors.
Social and Emotional Interventions
Anxiety and depression are becoming a growing concern in the classroom. Students must meet their social and emotional needs before they can learn. Schools are adding programs that help teach students coping skills. These programs also give students a safe space to learn about their emotions and to get support.
Academic Interventions
The most talked about intervention is academic. This type of intervention program focuses on students who are behind. These programs help improve reading, math, and many other skills.
Why Are In-School Interventions Important?
Builds Relationships
Many of the students enjoy one-on-one time with a teacher or teaching assistant. They may have faded into the background in a class of 30+. Yet, in intervention, they can get the individualized attention they need. These kids often need those relationships with teachers to help them to succeed. Relationships with teachers and staff can help improve student behavior and academic progress.
Confidence Boost
It may not be obvious, but students who struggle can have low self-esteem. Some of these kids, especially in the upper grades, are good at hiding it. Once they start knowing the answers in the classroom, it unlocks a new side of them.
Stronger Foundation, Stronger Core
Many students pass from grade to grade without learning basic skills. Yet, students who master the basics are better equipped to master harder skills. Also, many skills are interchangeable from subject to subject. So, if a student improves their reading, it is going to improve their progress in science, history, etc.
What is the Best Time for Intervention?
Sometimes it doesn’t feel like there are enough hours in the day for basic instruction. It may feel even more daunting to consider adding in extra instruction. There are a few different times you can consider.
Before School Hours
A student’s brain would be freshest before school, but there are also some challenges for this time. You will need teachers working more hours to provide the instruction. Also, students need transportation to attend. Students may also have conflicts with their parents’ schedules. Teenagers also need more sleep than any other age group. Taking away this extra rest can actually be counterintuitive. It may make them suffer later in the day.
After School Hours
You can have intervention programs after school, as well. These work fine, but you are going to run into availability issues. After-school intervention programs may also overlap with extracurriculars. This can interfere with students taking part in those programs or attending interventions. Also, students are already fatigued from 6+ hours of schoolwork.
During School Hours
In-school intervention programs face their own challenges. If students are out of class for intervention, they can miss important class time. This can also be especially embarrassing for teenagers. They don’t want their peers to know that they need this extra help.
The best option would be to create a time during the day for intervention, and other opportunities. This would help students not to miss out on class time, and avoid the embarrassment and stigma that may come with being pulled out of class.
During-school intervention also gets students while they are at school. You don’t have to worry about extending teacher hours or getting students a ride. It also provides the extra instruction in real-time. Students can take what they learn in intervention to their next class.
What is the Best Way to Implement Intervention?
Plenty of Support and Training
If you want to have a successful intervention program, you need to support your teachers. They need training and resources to help them deliver quality instruction to students. Teachers know how to teach the subject. They may need help with strategies, though. Resources are also essential, such as progress monitoring programs. Teachers may also need workbooks or supplies to teach intervention.
It’s Not a Punishment
Intervention should be valuable both to the student and teacher. You need student and teacher buy-in. You also need to make sure that it is not viewed as a punishment. Struggling students already have confidence issues. Adding something extra to their plates can be disheartening. Intervention should be fun and engaging. It should not take away from any other social events, and it should not be a punishment for them.
It Shouldn’t Be a Waste of Time
Intervention should have quality instruction. This is where the teacher training makes the difference. You need top-notch resources and programs that will make it easier for a teacher to put in place. It should also be something that students view as worthwhile. Teenagers also have a low tolerance for slow results.
In-school intervention programs are great for helping students. Students who have a grasp of basic skills are better able to grasp more complex skills. More confidence, more success, and better relationships make a better student and person.