HB1416 Strategies

HB1416 Strategiesadmin2024-12-04T10:21:26-05:00


How can our school align with HB 1416 learning requirements?

A Guide for HB 1416

Under Texas HB 1416, it is essential for students in Texas schools in grades 3-12 to receive 15 or 30 hours of supplemental instructional time if they haven’t reached ‘Approaches’ in key content areas on the STARR assessment or end of course (EOC) exam, or be assigned a TIA designated teacher.

If you are a school in Texas currently using Enriching Students® or are a school or District looking for a tool to manage time during the school day to meet these standards, here’s how we can help. Check out the articles on the right to learn how your school can align its practices to meet the HB 1416 requirements, and use Enriching Students®.

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