Strategies To Help Your Students Conquer Back-To-School Anxiety
Back to school. Those three words are exciting for many students. But for other students, those words bring up feelings of discomfort and anxiety. You may remember what it was like a few days before the new school year started. New supplies of book bags, pens, pencils, and paper. Wanting to see friends after [...]
Most schools have a process or structure to evaluate, address, and monitor the needs of students. Sometimes, these processes are referred to as RTI (Response to Intervention). Other times, you may hear the term MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support). While these two approaches are similar, distinct differences set these two common structures apart. How are [...]
The Challenges and Benefits of a Zero Period Class
Most of us have heard of the terms “first period” or “second period” class when students are describing their high school schedules, but how about Zero Period? Sound familiar? Well, if your answer is “no,” this article is for you. Even if you have heard of a Zero Period, it may be helpful to [...]
What’s an Advisory Class?
You might be reading this blog post because you’re a student or parent who noticed a new class on the schedule that you know nothing about. Maybe you’re a teacher whose school is rolling out a new advisory program and you’re doing some research. You might, also, be an administrator looking for more information to [...]
Advantages of Flexible Learning, and Ways to Implement It
One of my favorite scenes in literature is where Tom Sawyer convinces all the boys in the neighborhood to whitewash the fence for him, a task he had been given as punishment. Not only does he not have to do the work, but his friends all empty their pockets of little boy goodies to "pay" [...]
Student Choice Activities
There are often times in school schedules when there is a planned period of non-academic studies. For example, middle schools and high schools sometimes allow students to have an activity, advisory, flex, or study period. However, there may be questions about how to use this time productively, while giving students the opportunity to make [...]